Determining Hydraulic Conductivity by a Slug-In Test


The hydraulic conductivity(K) in Darcy’s law influences every aspect of groundwater flow. It impacts the flow velocity, dicharge, travel time and direction of flow. K may be dtermined by collecting soil or rock samples and runing laboratory flow tests or by one well tests or mulitple well pumping tests. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Here we will conduct a one well slug in test.

Test Instructions
A slug in test enails quickly pouring water in a well to raise the water level and then monitoring the rate at which the water falls back. Before and during the test the depth to water is measured with a water level sounder as a funtion of time. You will record the starting water level ( called static water level) before water is poured in, Then you will record the depth to water as a function of time after we pour the watere in. For each depth measurement, I will shout now that is when you record the time and then I will read you the depth to water.

describe this test how conducted and analysized, instructions on using the video

Test Analysis

Instructions for inserting data into analysis form

Application of Results in Darcy’s Law

calucate v and then how far would water travel in a given time, if aquifer had such and such  a crossetion what would be Q
